India -- India's Gujarat State has sworn in a fiery chief minister who has reunited the Bharatiya Janata Party (ba-RAH-tee-ya Juh-NAH-ta) under a banner that is causing concern for mission agencies. We spoke with International Needs Network's Ricky Gnakanan (YAH-nuh-kan) from Bangalore, India. "This has been a very strong campaign, and very openly pro-Hindu state, so as a result, this could have a very serious impact on evangelistic activities in Gujarat." Gnakanan says as a result of this new dynamic in Indian politics, "...the pressure is definitely on the Christians, so that wherever there are outreaches going on, there are open attacks on believers. Prayers are needed for those Christians who are actually involved in proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ." Please pray for the safety of the Network's team members as they continue their outreach throughout India.
Haiti -- The quiet entry of troubled Haiti into the Caribbean Community may be a key to long-hoped-for economic, political and social development. However, turmoil continues to engulf the land and its people. For Haiti With Love, a ministry that works in the country with the love of Christ asks people to pray for their work there. While not political, business and school shutdowns, roadblocks and other events around these struggles are creating unique challenges for the food and medical teams.
Siberia -- A ministry to drug addicts in Siberia is reaping a harvest of more then just those in rehab. Mark Reimschisel with Bible Mission International says they're presenting Christmas baskets to families of those in drug rehabilitation. "It's a great time of the year to be able present the message of hope that we have in Christ. And the churches there are responding by giving people these Christmas packages that not only include food and clothes but also God's word. We're praying for a significant harvest as a result of this." Reimschisel says its opening doors. "When we're there long term and the church continues to meet the needs of people and they don't get anything in return, all that does is just bring more validity to why we're giving this aid. And, we're giving it in the name of Christ; we're expressing compassion and we're asking nothing in return and the people are responding."
By Albert H. Lee