North Korea -- We begin today in North Korea, where harvests are rising from famine levels, but millions could still starve to death in the months ahead. That's being blamed, in part, on the rising political tensions, coupled with a drop off in international assistance. Baptist World Alliance's Paul Montecute. "It's estimated that quite a number of people are going to die this winter because of lack of food. We've received a welcome there from the government as far as humanitarian work is concerned, and that's the important thing to us. We want to care for the poor, the least of these-they're the ones that need feeding, and those are the people we're going to try and feed." Montecute says as they support the local church, ministry happens. "Our Baptist pastors are there on the spot and [we're] working through them. They're the people who know their people, they know the neighborhoods best, they know where the care is needed. Whether it be the provision of food for the stomach, or spiritual help."
Romania -- And finally, The Bridge International needs your help for a Christmas project this year. They're raising support for a special evangelistic program in several state orphanages in Romania. Ministry officials say one of their colleagues will be showing the Jesus Film, while distributing food parcels and winter coats. The plan is to spend three days in each location in order to show love for these children, with the hope of leading many of them to Christ. Pray that many will respond to the hope of the Gospel.
By Albert H. Lee