With the iPhone 8 being released on the 10th anniversary of the iPhone some time this year (September, presumably), one can not only look forward to quantum leap in the handset’s hardware changes, but also in terms of the software. iOS 10 would surely be outdated by then, as we are quietly confident that Apple would have come up with a brand new version aptly known as iOS 11. What are some of the rumored iOS 11 features that users can look forward to?
1. Group FaceTime Calls
Personal FaceTime calls might be given a shot in the arm to be able to support Group FaceTime calls in iOS 11, at least according to The Verifier, an Israel-based technology blog. The Verifier claims that they are in touch with sources close to the iOS development process. No surprise that part of iOS 11 was developed in Israel in order to glean such information, and word has it that the Messages app will also be updated to enable it to trigger group FaceTime video calls that has a maximum capacity of up to five people simultaneously. With just one improvement made to FaceTime (audio call support in iOS 7) three years after the feature was released, iOS 11 would be the perfect platform to up the ante.
2. Dark Mode
Apple has dropped hints concerning a Dark Mode in iOS, having integrated this feature on the quiet in selected apps. It was in June last year that Apple showcased a Dark Mode for the Settings app by accident in the iOS Simulator, with app developer Andrew Wiik highlighting the issue. Wiik also discovered that there is a Dark Mode for the Messages app as well. In addition, Apple did make the Clock app dark by default when iOS 10 rolled out in September last year. Not only that, tvOS 10 that rolled out for the newer generation of Apple TVs also saw the inclusion of a Dark Mode in the Settings > General > Appearance menu.
3. Better Contacts Features
Scrolling through your list of contacts in the Contacts app might be different in iOS 11, as word has it that Apple will introduce new Contacts features into the mix. There is a possibility that Apple could allow the user to see all kinds of other interactions you have had with a particular contact in a window when you tap on the information icon within the Messages app -- including text messages, emails and social media conversations. After all, Apple does hold a patent that can tell whether a friend is contactable based on his or her mobile phone status, so to have this feature applied is certainly a possibility.
iOS 10.2 Jailbreak Latest News
Moving on to iOS 10 jailbreak matters, Saurik has just introduced the latest maintenance update for the Substrate Safe Mode in Cydia, where it will reveal a notification dialog-box that shares information on the issue in greater detail each time a crash occurs as the device is booted into safe mode. Not only that, Substrate Safe Mode 0.9.6000 will also have a working restart function that runs like a charm after crashing.