jnX Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Highlight on Missions

SAN FRANCISCO- A fresh but popular Chinese music ministry has celebrated the fifth anniversary last Saturday, highlighting its focus on world missions.

SAN FRANCISCO- A fresh but popular Chinese music ministry has celebrated the fifth anniversary last Saturday, highlighting its focus on world missions.

Gathering around 500 Chinese Christians from Bay Area, the night of celebration plus fundraising has kicked off at Mills High School Auditorium, Millbrae. Apart from praise and worships, two skits are performed. The first one featured how one of the founders of jnX Isabel has decided to dedicate full time working for jnX, and the other one was a real story of how an Indian named Nelson was healed by music when jnX visited northeast India on short-term missions.

Nelson lost his whole family in ethnic conflicts. His heart that was originally burdened by hatred and sorrow was set free after joining jnX’s evangelistic gathering with the theme on "Forgiveness". Nelson has moved his first step to forgive the murders and made determination to live a new life.

Rev. Lawrence Fung, the senior pastor of Chinese Cumberland Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, was invited as one of the speakers. His speech has related music to missions, that most Christian leaders may not have realized the concept.

Referring to the name "donkey" that jnX ministers used to call themselves, Fung said that the role of a worship team is to bring the Lord into the His people so that the Lord is glorified, but the glory is not for the worship team itself. The image of the humble donkey in Matthew 20 can best explain the commission of a worship team.

"While many Christians enjoy the melody of worship and praise, or even debate about which style is the best, we need to remember that the real meaning of worship and praise is for God," stated Fung. "Worship and praise help us adjust our focus- from the world to the above, from myself to the Lord."

Fung quoted an example from Old Testament, saying that worship and praise is actually a spiritual battle. There was a scene when Israelites first sent people to the front to sing praises at a battle. As the battle belongs to the Lord, when the Israelites concentrated on God and gave Him glory by worships, the Lord was with them and fought for them and thus they gained victory, Fung explained.

"When we worship and praise with all our heart, even our enemies will fall away," Fung testified powerfully.

Worship and praise also have the power to set our hearts free from Satan’s authority, according to Fung. In Acts 16, Apostle Paul and his coworker were jailed in Philippi. However, instead of complaining why God has brought them to that place, they praised God joyfully all the night. Miraculously, the earth suddenly shook and the door of the jail opened, and they were set free.

"Many Christians have once been very passionate at the beginning of their faith, but later as they face hardships, they begin to complain and grumble and allow the Satan to dominate their hearts. Worships help them refocus on God, instead of only themselves," Fung said.

Lastly, Fung concluded by quoting the verse from Acts 2: 47. In the model of the Early Church, the members "praise God" and "enjoy the favor of all the people" so that "the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."

"When a church worships God, it refocuses on God and gains favor in God’s eyes. It also receives power to set free from the Satan’s authority. That is how it can grow," explained Fung.

Fung said worship and praise is not just merely a music ministry, but it is way for missions and preaching the Gospel. He therefore urged churches to support such music ministry.