June 16-18 Conference To Call For A "Roadmap" For Korea

By GH Newsroom

As the Korea crisis deepens, Korea experts from U.S. and Korean churches, humanitarian agencies, the United Nations, academia and other sectors will convene June 16-18 in Washington, D.C., to press for a "Korean Roadmap" for lasting peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula.

It is expected that consultation participants will renounce military options and call for stepping up of diplomacy and humanitarian aid. Their recommendations will be shared with Congress, the White House, the State Department and the Pentagon.

They are being called together by the humanitarian agency Church World Service and the National Council of Churches USA. CWS, the NCC and their 36 member denominations have been working together with their North and South Korean counterparts for more than two decades in peace building, reconciliation and humanitarian assistance.


Consultation June 16-18, Jurys Washington Hotel, Washington, D.C.

News Conference 1:30 P.M. Wednesday, June 18.

Congressional Breakfast Thursday, June 19 with South Korean Church Leaders.

Click here for detailed schedule.

Speakers and Spokespersons Include:

The Rev. John L. McCullough, Church World Service Executive Director.

Dr. Bob Edgar, National Council of Churches General Secretary.

Victor Hsu, CWS Senior Advisor and Korea Expert. He recently returned from North Korea, where he monitored distribution of a CWS shipment of food aid.

The Rev. Dr. Park Jong-Hwa, Vice Moderator, National Council of Churches in Korea, and Member, Presidential Advisory Council on Reunification in Korea.

The Honourable Maurice F. Strong, P.C., C.C., LL.D., Special Advisor to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Selig S. Harrison, Senior Scholar of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and Director of the Asia Program at the Center for International Policy.

Dr. K.A. Namkung, well-known Korea specialist and former Executive Director of the Asia Society.
