In a stage set to look much like an eery night in Salem, MA years ago, Katy Perry performed her song "Dark Horse" at the Grammys. She starts the song enclosed in a crystal ball, surrounded by darkness, and begins singing: "I knew you were/ You were gonna come to me/And here you are / But you better choose carefully / 'Cause I, I'm capable of anything / Of anything and everything..."
"It's very spooky. It's very dark," Dark Horse inspiration, Stevie Nicks told US Weekly. The magazine went on to state "the 29-year-old singer took the stage dressed like a witch for the dark and mysterious performance." And though she may have been dressed like a witch, emblazoned on her chest was not a scarlet letter, but rather a scarlet cross similar to that of the Templars.
The lyrics go on to say, "So you wanna play with magic / Boy, you should know what you're falling for / Baby do you dare to do this? / Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse." And with even further phrases like:
"This love will make you levitate / Like a bird / Like a bird without a cage."
"It's in the palm of your hand now baby / It's a yes or no, no maybe."
The lyrics and imagery are overpacked with the Occult. The talk of levitating and birds reminds of me the way spirits--the Holy Spirit and evil spirits--are often depicted in the Bible: as birds. When the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus after His baptism, it was in the form of a dove. When Solomon described a curse "alighting" in Proverbs 26:2 he used the description of birds.
The specific use of the words "in the palm of your hand" and deciding what an answer will be, gives the illusion of palm reading.

Yet Katy didn't stop there. She is literally depicted as a witch or heretic (or both) burning at the stake. "Let's just say, one of my favourite lines: 'Which witch is which?'" was how Perry gave E!'s Ryan Seacrest a hint at what her Grammy performance would be like this year.
The blatant depictions of witchcraft in Perry's performance were so obvious that even the secular media and social media users caught onto it.
E! Online said: "Um, did we just witness actual witchcraft during Katy Perry's #Grammys performance?"
E! Online also said: "Remember when Katy Perry used a witch's broom as a stripper pole at the #Grammys?"
@tarantallegra stated: "Katy Perry's #Grammys performance was kind of like Nicki Minaj's 2012 performance, except less Catholic and more Halloween."
@BuzzFeed said: "Katy Perry watched The Craft and was like, 'yes, that, sure.'"
@samanthasplz tweeted: "From Lorde to Katy Perry, I'm convinced this is about the Salem Witch Trials."
Heck, one Youtube commenter said: "As a witch, i thoroughly enjoyed this!"
The public has spoken. Yet with all the [secular] enamorment of this Occulti-praising performance, others weren't so pleased.
L.A. Marzulli, author of the Watchers Series, wrote in his blog, "I could only watch about 30 seconds of the Katy Perry video--without the sound on--before turning it off and going straight into prayer. In my opinion she was conjuring and those who are in the know, those behind the scenes, including the TV censors, knew what was going on. It was the Worship of the Fallen One."
Even Gospel singer, Natalie Grant got up and walked out of the Grammys earlier this year although she does not credit any one individual or performance for her early departure.
There seems to be a "deliberate and carefully crafted" anti-God viewpoint being presented at the Grammys which seems to be the overall mindset infiltrating the music industry at large. @tarantallegra mentioned Nicki Minaj's Exorcist-inspired performance from 2012. Beyonce and Jay Z opened up the 2014 Grammys with a little-left-to-the-imagination performance of her new song "Drunk in Love." But the cherry on the satanic cake was the marriage of 34 hetero- and homosexual couples officiated by alleged lesbian rapper and talk show hostess, Queen Latifah, while Sean Macklemore and Ryan Lewis sang a song entitled "Same Love" with others--including a a supposed church choir. Katy Perry caught the bouquet of one of the new brides.
With music artists like DMX, newly saved, coming on the Dr. Phil Show and discussing how he was propositioned THREE TIMES by Satan, it's no secret that Satan seems to be Lord of the industry.