Kingdom Authority

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- In his new book, The Incredible Power of Kingdom Authority: Getting an Upper Hand on the Underworld, renowned pastor and author, Adrian Rogers, teaches readers of the "Kingdom Authority" that has been freely given to them by God. Released in September by Broadman and Holman Publishers, the book warns of the schemes and plots made by Satan to keep Christians from their inheritance.

Rogers, pastor of the 27,000 member Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, Tennessee, says Satan does not want Christians to read his book, and believes Satan even worked against him in writing the book.

The first inspiration for the Book came from "Spiritual Authority," a book by Watchman Nee, a Chinese Christian who was imprisoned for 20 years because of his faith until his death in 1972.

In the novel, Rogers identifies a 'trinity of evil,' in which Satan and his minions do all they can to destroy Christians' welfare, happiness and joy. According to Rogers, Satan, because of his failure to overthrow God and Jesus, tries to threaten them by crippling those whom God loves; this deep-stemmed hatred for God brings about Satan's malice toward mankind.

"Be warned! From Satan's viewpoint you are a pawn in the game of cosmic chess. Plans have already been made in Satan's underworld to sabotage you, your loved ones and your family," Rogers writes. "How does he plan to gain the upper hand over you? He uses two chief weapons -- the world and the flesh. Together, with his orchestration, they make up a trinity of evil -- the world, the flesh and the devil. They are interactive forces in a three-pronged attack."

He reassures his readers however, that God has already claimed eternal victory over Satan through the redeeming blood of Christ. Rogers says that God has conferred on all of his children the same power and authority he had given Jesus; it is through this power that mankind could gain victory over all struggles.

Rogers identifies eight guidelines for Christians' relationship to Kingdom Authority:

-- We must not refuse Kingdom Authority. Though the authority is inherently delegated to God's children through the cross, they must choose to exercise it in order for the authority to be most effective.

-- We must not confuse Kingdom Authority. God's children must remember that they should not use the authority they've been given to command or coerce God or Satan by using such phrases as "in the name of Jesus" or "I claim the blood" or "I command it to be done." This, Rogers explains, may be akin to magic or superstition rather than spiritual authority. He says that thought there is mighty power in the name of Jesus and in his blood, but they must not be used like a sorcerer trying to cast a spell.

-- We must not misuse Kingdom Authority. "We are stewards. We must use our authority for the purpose it has been entrusted to us," not for selfish purposes, Rogers says.

-- We must not abuse Kingdom Authority. Rogers explains that God's children abuse Kingdom Authority when they attempt to command God to do their will. Many times Christians make their own plans and then expect God to ratify and rubber-stamp them, he says. Also, "we abuse Kingdom Authority when we order the world to believe us because of our delegated authority, then fail to serve in love."

-- We must use Kingdom Authority. Jesus has given God's children a mandate for world evangelization in the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20. The purpose of the power is to serve a needy world.

-- We have his unlimited power. The power that Jesus gave in the Great Commission extends over the angels and the demons, over the earth and over the heavenlies. His is a worldwide domain, Rogers says, and because of that, there is no person he cannot use.

-- We have his unchanging program. Rogers reminds God's children that each one is here to make disciples of all nations. Anything less is unworthy of our Lord, he says. Those who have been given authority are to give first-class effort to first-class causes.

-- We have his unfailing promise. According to Rogers, God's providence is his unchanging presence, his authority behind us and his commission before us.

"There is no greater desire that I have for my life, the lives of my family members and for you, dear reader, than that you might discover the truth and experience the vitality of Kingdom Authority," Rogers writes.

By Paulina C.