KMF Holds Annual Mission Conference 2004

KMF (Korea Mission Fellowship in Japan) has resolved to take the lead of historical change in Japan mission. On 5th to 7th, KMF held an annual mission conference in Shizuoka, Japan, and 175 Korean missionaries gathered from all over Japan to reaffirm their commission to lead the history of salvation in Japan with love of Christ.

Pastor Kwok of Christ Hope Church pointed out the importance of Spiritual Theology in the field of mission. He discussed Biblical/theological structures of Spiritual Theology and the theological and pastoral applications, as he stressed, "Those that spirituality falls asleep are of no difference from animals and beasts. We missionaries are expected to experience happiness and safety in Christ who fills us up when our mission expends greatly."

In his lecture on Genesis, he addressed, "we should find and distinguish the Holy Spirit who drifts upon chaos and emptiness. Keep asking yourself how the righteous mission should be. Arise and shine when others are in the darkness."

Presented missionaries shared information and visions in separate workshops with various topics such as "mission and policy" and "childhood education." They testified that they, recalling the past year, were comforted by the Word were strengthened to pray more passionately for spiritual recovery of Japan and people and the mission expansion.