Lambeth Commission Concludes Closed-Door Plenary in Windsor Castle

The Anglican Communion's task force on the impact of homosexuality on the unity of the church finished its final plenary session on Friday, Sept 10, 2004. The meeting, which was held at the Windsor Castle in England, allowed the Lambeth Commission members to make the final touches on its much-anticipated report.

Archbishop Robin Eames, the chairman of the Commission, offered a brief statement following the meeting, where he announced that the report will be published in London on Monday, October 18, 2004. The release of the report will coincide with the meeting of the Joint Standing Committee of the Primates and the Anglican Consultative Council – both of which will bring together representatives from Anglican leaders worldwide.

Eames said, “The Commission has been greatly challenged in this task and I have been privileged to work with such a dedicated team. I have no doubt that their collective insights and recommendations can and must make a profound and practical impact for good in the life and mission of the Anglican Communion. This has been a labour of love in the faith that Christ is our guide and strength in working for peace and healing.”

Eames also said this would be the only comment he and the other Lambeth Commission members would make before the October 18th release of the task force’s report.