NAE Convention to Celebrate World Relief's 60th Anniversary

The National Association of Evangelicals’ 62nd Annual Convention has been slated for March 11-12, at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, CO. Keynote speakers to the event include a vast array of prominent evangelical and conservative Christian leaders, including the Southern Baptist Convention’s president, Jack Graham, and Focus on Family chairman and founder Dr. James Dobson.

The focus of this year’s convention will be on World Relief, the humanitarian arm of the NEA. In celebration of its 60th Anniversary, the World Relief president, Clive Calver will speak before the delegates to the convention.

“We rejoice with World Relief, our subsidiary, as we have seen the Lord bless and multiply their ministry,” the NAE posted on their website.

According to the website, “There is no better forum for interacting with a broad spectrum of evangelical leaders than the NAE convention.”

Conservative leaders are expected to network and mobilize together through the workshops and presentations held at the convention.

“The company of others with like vision for strengthening the evangelical church in America-all of this makes the NAE convention an invaluable experience,” the NAE posted.

For more information on how to attend, contact Kyle Fisk via email: