NCC Earth Day April 25

Thousands of Christian congregations are preparing to celebrate the ‘gift of green’ in this year’s Earth Day, April 25, 2004. Congregants will mark the Earth Day Sunday worship with worship experiences, educational programs and environmental activities.

“God created the earth and we intend to celebrate the beauty of God’s creation and act as stewards—touching the earth gently,” said Charlie Conklin of Towson Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Md.

This year, Earth Day has received endorsements from the largest ecumenical body in the U.S. – the National Council of Churches USA. The NCC, which includes members from 36 Protestant, Anglican and Orthodox denominations, launched a new website of recourses to guide those churches wishing to celebrate and thank God for the earth.

“The air we breathe is essential,” said Cassandra Carmichael, director of eco-justice programs at the National Council of Churches. “We felt that it was important not only to celebrate air as one of God’s most precious gifts, but also to strive to protect its quality.”

For more information or to receive a copy of the 2004 Earth Day Sunday resource, please visit or contact Cassandra Carmichael, NCC director of eco-justice programs, (202) 544-2350.