New Jersey Chinese Revival Starts on May 13

On 13th and 14th the revival will be held at the Trinity Baptist Church while on the 15th in the church at Kutztown, New Jersey.

Lehigh Valley Chinese Christian Church will be holding a revival from May 13th to 15th.

On 13th and 14th the revival will be held at the Trinity Baptist Church while on the 15th in the church at Kutztown, New Jersey; sister Li Zhao will preside for the event. It will start on the 13th at 7:30pm, the topic is "Marriage - willingness to obey and sacrificing love." On 14th at 3:30pm, the topic covered will be "Jesus Christ is the God who gives peace," and "Jesus Christ is the God who gives wisdom." At 7:30pm, "Jesus Christ is the God who gives life." Lastly, on 15th at 11am, the topic will be on "Understanding the church."

Sister Li Zhao received masters in education, she has taught in high school for five years and also received degrees at fuller, EFC, overseas, and international seminaries and shepherd several churches.

You may contact for more information at (610) 395-7366, (610) 530-0802, (610) 398-2214