Mexico - After the recent publication of the Mexteco Coatzospan New Testament, the Bible League has now published the full New Testament in 105 Mexican languages.
Through the work of Wycliffe Bible Translators in partnership with the Bible League, those who speak Mixteco Coatzospan now have the Word of God in their own native language.
The Mixtec live in the state of Oaxaca, where the Bible League has focused major efforts in the past five years. Coatzospan is considered a dialect of the Mixteco language, and has put about 5,000 known speakers.
There are thousands of secluded people groups around the world still waiting for Scriptures to be translated and published in a native tongue. The Bible League is workingassertively to expand Scripture availability for more of these groups.
It also developing a different method for evangelism and discipleship training that uses audio and reading assistance. This program is being used as a model among unreached people groups around the world.