New Year Blessings from US Chinese Christian Leaders: Awake, Co-work, Commission

As Lunar New Year marks the beginning of Spring in Chinese tradition, some top Chinese Christian leaders have expressed their new hope and expectation for US Chinese churches.

As Lunar New Year marks the beginning of Spring in Chinese tradition, Gospel Herald have invited some top Chinese Christian leaders to express their new hope and expectation for Chinese churches across the U.S. in the coming year.

CCCOWE District General Secretary for U.S.A.- Rev David Chi

The highlight of the world’s Chinese mission this year would be July’s 7th Chinese Congress on World Evangelism (CCOWE) in Macau organized by the Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism (CCCOWE). The CCCOWE district general secretary for U.S.A. Rev David Chi wishes that the Chinese churches and the mission organizations in the U.S. could co-work together in harmony even more closely for the common goal to proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth, just as they have been doing in the past.

Especially for the missions to the Muslim world and the other countries in Asia, the cooperation between churches and mission organizations is of paramount importance. Chi also wishes that Chinese churches will focus more on training a new generation of leaders.

In addition, Chi highlighted the new evangelistic movement within different businesses, industries and professions operated by Chinese around the world this year. CCCOWE shares the vision of uniting the Christian fellowships of each business field from different parts of the world with an attempt to ignite the fire of Gospel among them.

Currently, CCCOWE U.S.A. is preparing a massive evangelistic gathering for Christian fellowships of catering businesses in Lima, capital of Peru on Mar. 21-29. There are over 300,000 Chinese in Peru with 5,000 Chinese restaurants. 200 Christians from the U.S. have already registered for the gathering, exceeding the original quota of 150.

Chairman of Great Commission Center International – Rev. Thomas Wang

In the midst of the decline in morality in North American and Canadian society, chairman of Great Commission Center International (GCCI) Rev. Thomas Wang urges Chinese churches to stay awake to see the seriousness of the problem and to take responsible to mobilize a change. Wang celebrates the change of the Chinese Christians as they become more willing to fulfill their responsibilities as a member of the church as well as the member of the society.

Wang introduces his new book "America, Return to God" that is going to be published in late April. Through the book, he wishes that the book will help to overturn the morally deprived American society completely and to guide them to return to God once again. He aims to print 500,000 copies, in which more than 400,000 copies will be sent to all states in America as well as all department leaders in the government.

Concerning the national-wide church-based "Defend Traditional Marriage" campaign launched last year, Wang pledges that family discussion forums, training courses as well as informative newsletters will be prepared continuously this year, in order to mobilize more Chinese Christians to carry on the spiritual battle against moral chaos.

Chairman of Gospel Operation International for Chinese Christians- Rev. Cyrus Lam

Rev. Cyrus Lam is glad to see many Chinese Churches in the U.S. - around 25 percent - have been actively participating in missions. However, he hopes that the percentage can be increased to 50 percent or above under the effort of pastors or church leaderships. As the church of Great Commission, it must be dedicated in terms of prayer, finance, short-term missions, mid-term missions, long-term missions and among others.

Moreover, Lam encourages churches to try to please the heart of the Lord rather than just centering on their own church and their own ethnic race as the Lord’s plan of salvation is prepared for all mankind.