The realization of the significance of multi-generational teaching is coming to an obvious head in recent stories. One of the latest examples concerns the record of two teenagers who contrived a creative way to express their admiration for the abortion-enacting institution of Planned Parenthood. Women's "reproductive rights" is at the forefront of their cause; so much so, in fact, they they have been featured in various media venues.
In a collective fashion show which prohibited the use of fabric, 17-year-old Karolina Montes and 16-year-old Zoe Balestri decided to participate in a way which left no one in doubt of their personal priorities. The dresses were designed by a painstaking ritual of sewing Planned Parenthood brochure (500 leaflets, to be exact) and even a bodice of condoms citing the presumably humorous phrase:
"Don't eff with us, don't eff without us."
Ballestri grinned in repeating the phrase; she also described the amount of thought and detail in planning out the gowns' forms:
"Hoop skirts were really popular at a time when women weren't given the same access to things that men are."
The girls' incentive in the project, they expressed, was to promote education:
"It just seems like such an important part of our culture, that we need to have safer methods [of family planning] and we need to educate. That's the main the point, is to educate people."
The young women are of course unhappy---"saddened," even---by Donald Trump's plans to defund Planned Parenthood. They also participated in the Women's March on Washington:
"They're trying to shut down Planned Parenthoods and make abortion illegal, and that really frightens and saddens me, because it's such an amazing thing that is provided to women. I have friends who use Planned Parenthood services. It's been there for people in high school, in college, in adulthood, for people who can't afford to have a child, or for other circumstances. It's necessary."
Montes and Ballestri conclude by expressing their hope in the media exposure:
"This year we thought after everything that's been happening in the world and with this country, it was important to make our dresses beautiful and fun but also to give them some sort of meaning. We decided this was the perfect way to support something we both strongly believed in."
Such remarks prove the importance of infiltrating the younger generation with Gospel Truth; moreover, the situation stands as a remarkable sign of contrasting irony against the simultaneous discrimination against Pennsylvania teen girls whose only desire was also to "educate" their peers in creating a pro-life group.