Norwegian church planters establish 300 congregations in 10 years

The number of churches planted in Norway has been constantly multiplying in recent years. Since 1994 more than 300 churches have been planted across Norway, and today a new church is planted, on average, every two weeks.

Such growth wasn't always the case, says European Dawn Coordinator Reinhold Scharnowski. From 1983 to 1993 only 14 churches were planted in the country. When asked the for the reason for the difference, Scharnowski replied, "In 1994 most of Norway's denominations initiated a long-term church-planting process. Youth With a Mission leader Alv Magnus and pastor Oivind Augland led the common platform which caused various 'positive side effects' for the nation, including reconciliation, a discussion forum, an ‘incubator’ for new forms of church, and a place in which all can be part of the big picture."

Now, Norway is finally seeing the fruits developing in their country through the 300 churches that have been established over the last 10 years. In 2003 alone, 58 churches were established, ten of which were planted by the Lutheran State Church, more than any other denomination. “Even if 58 new churches doesn't sound like much in a nation of 4.5 million, this is a clear signal that the church is alive," said Scharnowski.