Obasanjo Secures Second Term in Office

Nigeria – Nigeria’s Christian president secured a second term in office. While Olusegun Obasanjo’s main goal is to carry through his “rebirth in optimism” reform plans, Christians hope his presidency can loosen the staunch opposition against missions in Nigeria.

We're glad he's in office. He's a good Christian man, and it's hard to take a country that's been plagued by corruption for so long and make everything go well, but he's trying and that's the important thing. We're much more comfortable with him in office then with some of the people that were opposing him,” said John and Mandy Sharda.

The Shardas served in Nigeria with the Christian Reformed World Missions group. Because President Obasanjo is a Christian, they believe their work could bear more fruit.

"Some of the people that were opposing him are very opposed to the gospel and they're opposed to missionaries and the one claimed that if he was made president he would have all missionaries kicked out of the country. Our future is a lot brighter with Obasanjo in office."