Open Door 50th Anniversary "Light House Project" Launched

“There are more persecutions today than there are during the days of Iron curtain. Our vision is to serve the persecuted church,” states Dr. Carl Moeller.

In 2004, a ministry that has served the persecuted Christians distributed over 5 million bibles world-wide, which includes children’s bible, study bible, and various other types of bible. In 2005, this number has increase by 25%; In addition, at least 138,000 believers have received training this ministry, which begins teaching their courses with non-stop pastoral training to specific-topic seminars. The number for this has increased by 9%.

Open Doors will begin an event called, “Light House Festival” this year, where they will distribute over 238,000 Study Bibles, 1,086,000 pieces of Sunday school curricula and youth-oriented materials. On the other hand, they are planning to train over 8,400 pastors, lay leaders, Sunday School Teachers, and youth workers across China.”

Open Doors USA President Dr. Carl Moeller states the primary reason why pastoral education is important.

“There are many cult movements in China today,” said Dr. Moeller. “That is why Open Doors is focusing on training pastors and church leaders. Open Door hopes that through targeting key leaders of the house churches, they can influence the lives of thousands.”

In the last two decades, Open Doors has been focusing on training the indigenous people to become pastors, because it is difficult for foreigners to serve in a difficult religious environment. Moeller said that he has heard many stories of those working in the front line in places like Vietnam, China, and Colombia and the kind of effects and influences that Open Door brings to people in these countries and helping them return to the Lord.”

In addition to the bible, there is an increasing need for quality devotion books. In 2004, Open Doors raised the funds by 30% to help community development. In many areas, Christians receive prejudice in the education field and work field. They hope that through the support program, those Christians who has received persecution or treated with prejudice can live in a better environment.

“There are more persecutions today than there are during the days of Iron curtain. Our vision is to serve the persecuted church,” states Dr. Carl Moeller.

Lighthouse Project Launched to Provide Bible to Churches in China