Operation Blessing Philippines Named NGO of the Year

Operation Blessing received recognition as “NGO of the Year for Peace Efforts” for the second year in a row from Filipino President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

"It’s primarily for their year-round efforts in promoting peace, especially in the rebel strongholds of the southern Philippines, and that's where Operation Blessing has been conducting humanitarian medical missions,” said OB’s Deb Benson.

Operation Blessing has responded to the needs of the Filipino people throughout the government's longstanding fight with the rebel insurgency remains a thorn in its side. OB provided food, water, shelter and medical supplies to the impoverished and helpless.

Benson says their teams are the hands and feet of Christ. "When we are out on the field, all our volunteers are just dedicated, compassionate Christians who are very interested in demonstrating God's love in the compassion they show."