Over 3000 Salvationists Attend

Over 3,000 Salvationists gathered at the Sydney Convention Center for the ''A Cause To Die For'' Salvation Army Congress in Sydney.

Over 3,000 Salvationists gathered at the Sydney Convention Center for the “A Cause To Die For” Salvation Army Congress in Sydney.

The central event of the congress was a dedication and commissioning of 27 Salvation Army officers from the Bridgebuilders Session of cadets, on Sunday, December 5.

“The Dedication and Commissioning meeting was marked by its traditionally solemn tone, a sign of the seriousness of the occasion. At the start, cadets entered with candles, making their way to the stage. They then lit specially designed furnaces at the back of the stage. These had been placed on pillars that were linked with ribbons to a central cross. Once finished, the shape formed an image of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. 'Building a bridge to the cross is what this is really all about,' stressed Territorial Commander Commissioner Les Strong,” according to Salvation Army news.

On a separate day of the congress, Salvation Army’s general John Larsson helped lead a celebration of the children’s ministry, and presented an award to Major Hilda Sigley for her “outstanding medical ministry during 26 years of service in southern Africa.”

“You are one of the Army's heroines. You have a lot of admirers,” Larsson said, as he presented the award.

Major Sigley humbly replied, “If there is any glory, it goes to the Lord Jesus Christ.”