PC(USA) Honored by New York-area Church Council

LOUISVILLE -The Long Island Council of Churches (LICC) has named thePresbyterian Church (USA) it's "denomination of the year" for its assistanceto New York-area residents in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 terroristattack on the World Trade Center. The honor will be bestowed on the PC(USA) at LICC's May 1 annualmeeting. Receiving the award on behalf of the denomination will be LongIsland Presbytery's moderator, the Rev. Johanna Johns Young, and the chair ofits Council of Missions, the Rev. Allan Cole.

In the 18 months since the terrorist attacks on New York City andWashington, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has contributed $496,000to the relief efforts of the Long Island Council of Churches. During thattime, according to the council's development director, Sara Weiss, LICC hashelped well over 100 households victimized by the attacks. Its relief workcontinues.

The praise goes to generous Presbyterians who have supported PDA,said Stan Hankins, associate for disaster relief in the U.S. "We are gratefulfor this recognition and accept it on on behalf of generous Presbyteriansacross the country who made the grants possible," he told the PresbyterianNews Service April 15. "The partnership formed by PDA, the Long IslandCouncil of Churches, and the Presbytery of Long Island continues to ministerto those affected by the tragic events of September 11."

By Albert H. Lee