PCUSA Stated Clerk Offers Prayers for Haiti

LOUISVILLE — The stated clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA wrote a letter of comfort and encouragement to Haiti’s interim president, in lieu of the conflicts that plagued the island nation since early February.

“At this critical time of transition, we pray especially for you and those who join you in leadership, as you work toward a peaceful solution to the conflicts within your nation,” Rev Kirkpatrick wrote.

The following is a complete text of the letter as released by the PCUSA news service on March 4:

Interim President, Chief Justice Hon. Boniface Alexandre

Palais national de la Republique d’Haiti

Rue de la Republique

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Your Excellency:

I am writing to you on behalf of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA), which represents some 2.5 million Presbyterians, to express our deep sorrow over the crisis in which the Haitian people find themselves. Our church has been involved in ministries of compassion with the people of Haiti for many years, including our partnership with the Episcopal Church of Haiti at L’Hopital St. Croix in Leogane and other of its ministries; therefore, our prayers for you also carry the personal good wishes of many of our own members who have been a part of those ministries.

At this critical time of transition, we pray especially for you and those who join you in leadership, as you work toward a peaceful solution to the conflicts within your nation. We note with appreciation that this year marks the time, 200 years ago, when the Haitian people secured their freedom from slavery and the right to govern themselves. It is our hope and prayer that as you move toward a resolution to the current governmental crisis, you will be able to secure a future for your people that bears the marks of democracy, freedom, stability and peace for all the people of Haiti.

Please be assured that we also commit ourselves to urge our own government, as well as the leadership of the United Nations, to use all the resources at their disposal to support you in these efforts.

In Faith and Hope,

Clifton Kirkpatrick

Stated Clerk of the General Assembly

Presbyterian Church (USA)