Performance "The Unknown Preacher" to Commemorate Church Anniversary

Along with a coalition of ministries in the area, the Chinese churches will give a joint performance on the evangelistic piece "The Unknown Preacher."

Commemorating the 70th year anniversary, the Chinese Community Church located in Washington DC will be holding worship fest on May 22nd starting from 2pm. Along with a coalition of ministries in the area, the Chinese churches will give a joint performance on the evangelistic piece "The Unknown Preacher."

The making of "The Unknown Preacher" was inspired from the famous evangelist Rev. Benny Pope's peom "Dedicated to an Unknown Preacher." The song was composed by Yenn Chwen Er, Director of New Heart Music Ministries.

The Chinese Community Church will use three language translations live at the fest. The church is located in Washington DC and was established in 1935; it is a nondenominational congregation. The location of the worship fest is 900 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC.

You can contact the events staff for more information at (202)637-9852.