LIVE! LIVE! LIVE! That is what can be said about Pillar's new recording Broken Down: The EP, where 4 out of 6 tracks on the disc were presented as live in concert performances showing the band's best in acoustics. The style the tracks sounded this time around are very very different to their usual bold rock songs. But to fans who might be dropping jaws, not to worry. The last track, "Bring Me Down," leaves the disc recording on a rock note as familiar blares from electric guitars and pounds from drums weave a song about how to deal with a friend has different ways of handling things than your own.
Is new always better? Well, luckily the band didn't deviate too far from their launching platform as they provided the new style and twist using not new songs. Their choice of guitarist Tyler Burkum of Audio Adrenaline receives a thumbs up. It was wise of them to present themselves in different colors but keeping the same face. Good music.