Rebecca St. James Talks of Abstinence with FamilyLife On Air

Her ongoing talks pressing towards abstinence and Godly perspectives outreach to children and draw women's attention.

For the last two days on Monday and Tuesday (7-8th), Grammy award winning singer Rebecca St. James has aired on radio broadcast with host Dennis Rainey on "FamilyLife Today." The radio show is popular flagship broadcast of FamilyLife ministries carried by stations in more than a thousand markets throughout the nation including Alaska and Hawaii.

During the show, the guest singer discussed her personal involvement with "Secret Keeper Girl," an upcoming project suited in guiding 8-12 year old girls with the message of purity. Sponsored by FamilyLife, the project features an interactive workbook shared between mother and daughter, also including a CD with words of personal encouragement from both Rebecca and author Dannah Gresh to young listeners.

In her talk with Dennis Rainey, Rebecca is remains unwavering on her views of abstinence and own personal commitment in staying sexually pure until marriage. Throughout the past decades, it is the message that St. James continues to spread throughout the world during her concert tours as she passionately issues a personal challenge to those of her own generation.

Her hit-song "Wait For Me" is a self-written anthem to the movement she started, and also is the title of the publication in its 9th printing which is translated into multiple languages across the globe. °Wait For Me" garnered the first position on the prestigious CBA 'Young Adult' best seller book list in spring 2003.

St. James continuously plays a strong influence and voice for women in her publication projects. Slowly she is earning the position of being a respected author on relevant topics for women. She will be releasing her newest book "SHE," 'Safe, Healthy, Empowered,' in October with Tyndale. Some regard it as the modern message of God¯s perspective towards problems faced by 21st century women. "The book is very frank and unafraid in its' mission to help women of my age and every age to find their definitions and values in life from God, not culture," Rebecca comments.