Recent 2005 Research Reveals Hong Kong With Most Number of Atheists

In the 2005 research study made by Gallup International Association, Hong Kong has the world's least number of people with religious faith, meaning it has the most number of atheists, according to Ce

In the 2005 research study made by Gallup International Association, Hong Kong has the world's least number of people with religious faith, which means that in the district of Hong Kong there are the most number of atheists, according to Central News Agency report.

In Hong Kong, there is only 14% of the population that identifies themselves with religious beliefs. The next country on the list is Japan, which has only 17% of its population with religious beliefs, according to the study.

On the other hand, Philippines is the most pious country, having over 83% of its population who identify themselves as Roman Catholics and 90% or more claim they have a religion. India has the second largest population with religious faith.

Besides this, among the people interviewed, over 66% of them said they are religious, and atheists are the minorities; In Hong Kong, 86% of the people interviewed are atheists.

Gallup International Association conducted this research this year between May and July in 56 countries and regions. The number of people interviewed were over 50,000.