Russ Lee to perform for U.S. troops in Iraq

Nov. 17-25, Christian Records artist Russ Lee will minister to U.S. troops in Iraq after being invited by the 101st Airborne from Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. Lee will make stops in multiple cities including, Mosul, Qayyarah, Tall Afar, Irbil, and Sinjar to perform songs from his current album, The Second Mile, for an cumulative audience of over 20,000 soldiers. President of Butterfly Group George King will also be assisting Lee in meeting with soldiers on an individual basis and hosting prayer meetings and luncheons.

“I count it a great opportunity for service to our Lord and this great country to minister with Russ in Iraq,” King says.

“I'm excited about being an encouragement to the troops as I go to represent a nation of grateful people," Lee comments. “Our soldiers know what it means to daily live a ‘Second Mile Lifestyle.’ I want them to know that we are extremely grateful, supportive, and prayerful on their behalf.”

Lee and King’s visit is intended to bring comfort and hope to a mass of soldiers struggling with issues of security midst hostile activity in Iraq and morale at home. “Soldiers are dealing with loneliness, security, relationships, and extended length of tour,” says Lt. Colonel Chester C. Egert, 101st Airborne Division Chaplain. “They also deal with family issues back home (tired, frustrated spouses, and children who miss their parents). And of course, there are those who've had loved ones die while they've been over here. Fidelity in marriage is also a big concern.”

Lee remarks, “I want our troops to know that God is even more concerned with this situation than they are. He is concerned about them and their families. They need to see gratitude, encouragement, and God's love."

When asked if he was fearful of traveling to a potentially dangerous area, Lee replied, "It's hard to be fearful when you're surrounded by thousands of highly trained, tough-as-nails freedom fighters."