The California Supreme Court on Thursday ordered an immediate halt to gay marriages in San Francisco, delivering a victory to conservatives who have fought for a month to block the ceremonies. The court did not rule on the legality of gay marriages, and justices indicated they would decide in the coming months whether San Francisco's mayor had the authority to allow the weddings.
Campaign for California Families, the lead plaintiff in Randy Thomasson and Campaign for California Families vs. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and County Clerk Nancy Alfaro, issued the following statement in response to the California Supreme Court today blocking "gay marriage" licenses in San Francisco:
"Finally, a court is upholding state law that respects and protects marriage for a man and a woman, as it should be," said CCF Executive Director Randy Thomasson.
"This is a great day for the law, for our republic, and for marriage between a man and a woman as the foundation of our civilization. The state high court has done what Bill Lockyer refused to do - use its authority and power to enforce the plain reading of the law that marriage licenses can only go to a man and a woman. This is the end of the counterfeit marriages in San Francisco and the people of California can celebrate the beauty of a bride and a groom as the standard for marriage and the appropriate role model for children. Gavin Newsom is a lawbreaker. The state Supreme Court judges, who have seen his breaking of the law occur right across the street at City Hall for the last month, have put an end to the lawbreaking."
"Now California citizens need to raise their voices against AB 1967, which would impose San Francisco's homosexual 'marriages' statewide in utter violation of the vote of the people," added Thomasson.
"San Francisco's mayor is breaking the law and so is San Francisco's assemblyman, Mark Leno."
Today the California Supreme Court relied on the state Family Code to block San Francisco from issuing any more homosexual "marriage" licenses, and to take the case from the lower court in anticipation of a permanent order in May or June on the merits of the law. The four state codes cited in the order are:
Family Code 300 - marriage is a contract between man and woman, to which consent is necessary
Family Code 301 - only an unmarried male and unmarried female are capable of consenting to marriage
Family Code 308.5 - only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California
Family Code 355 - the Department of Health Services prescribes the forms to be used for marriage licenses - those forms must be followed