San Francisco Making Call to All Christians

Friday, February 20, 2004 was a very critical day for the city of San Francisco and for the United States of America as attorneys fought against the public union of homosexuals, taking the battle to the San Francisco County Court.

Whether they believe gay marriages are against the Law of God or simply against the law, those who are opposed to the union of homosexuals agree that the case in San Francisco will play a large role in the issue of gay marriages beyond the city, the state, and even the country. Ed Haroutonian, a protestor who drove up from Los Angeles to have his voice heard, was present for the recent rallies in front of city hall and stated, "The city of San Francisco is breaking the law with what they're doing. They're breaking the law of God. By doing this, they're opening the door to other abominations, transsexual marriages and all sorts of things. It goes further than gay marriage."

Pastor Steve Nirschl, a youth pastor in California also commented that "It does cause a domino effect; it always has. Look at the decision taking prayer out of school. Look what's happened since then. This decision's bigger than that."

Although it is almost certain that there is disapproval from the Christian communities, there have been few efforts in the state of California to take action against the gay marriages in San Francisco. "It's sad that the attorneys we have came all the way from Florida,' Nirschl added.

Nirschl, who was with the leading attorneys in the court hearing giving his support added, "I think the Lord's coming soon myself personally. This is all part of it. But you've got to fight. Whenever you look at the Bible and the days of Noah, the days of Lot and all those things, what was the sin that went rampant at the end? It was homosexuality. And the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God, which the word abomination means it's a filthy and disgusting act that He just turns his head on. We're living in a country that was based on Christian principles and all of a sudden you have this low percent of people coming forth and passing these laws and doing this stuff and the Christians are really just as much to blame as everyone else because they're not doing anything about it."

Those who were present in front of City Hall and the Courthouse expressed their desire to rally the Christians of America and the silent supporters in San Francisco and throughout California, as this is a hearing that will certainly have effects that will extend beyond the city of San Francisco. One group present at the rally in front of the San Francisco City Hall was "Repent America" who is calling out to the Christians and the country to make a stand. One member of "Repent America" stated, "It's imperative that Christians stand up against this to show that America is against this; stand up and be a vessel to be a witness for Him. That's our hope--to embolden [Christians]." He and other Christians from various ministries who have been present on the front line are hoping to wake up the Christian community and to gather up more support in this critical battle in San Francisco.

Although the court hearing is not expected to resume until March 29, certainly the efforts to alert America and the Christians in America will continue to go on.

To let your voice be heard by the state legislators and the mayor, you can visit and submit a letter via the internet.