Sanctus Real's New Album Garners Positive Reviews

The "Tide" of Sanctus Real passionately reels in album stores. Having recently won Best New Artist in the 2004 CCM magazine readers poll and charted a five-week #1 hit with its cover of U2’s “Beautiful Day,” rising rock act Sanctus Real released its second album, FIGHT THE TIDE, on June 15 to a continuing wave of rave reviews from the media.

CCM writes, “The more you hear, the brighter (Sanctus Real’s) future looks…Lead rock single (and opening track) ‘Everything About You’ serves notice—this is a whole new ball game. From the start, FIGHT THE TIDE boasts the same stylistic foundation as the debut, but here the band embraces prevalent European rock elements and makes capable forays into reggae rock (‘The Show’), pop-punk (‘Message’) and vulnerable serenading (‘Change Me,’ ‘Say Goodbye’).” states, “FIGHT THE TIDE…is explosive and infectious…an enjoyable rock album that is meaningful, catchy, and loud, performed with musical excellence…Like the themes at the heart of its songs, the album battles against any complacency or negativity with feel-good charm…This is a band that likes to convey their faith simply and clearly without using tired spiritual rhetoric.”

Seven Ball magazine says, “Listen to the reconciliation-themed ‘The Fight Song’ and the encouraging ‘Alone’ to hear why (lead singer) Matt Hammitt has some of the best new vocals to hit the scene. With soaring melodies, spiritual lyrics that aren’t clichd and potent rock energy, this is a band to see live and sing along with.” sums everything up: “Sanctus Real’s second album is getting all kinds of hype. Believe it all: this one’s pure dynamite…. (The band) graduates to the big leagues with the release of FIGHT THE TIDE. There are some truly killer rock grooves on this disc.”