SBC One Million Evangelism Bus Tour Launched, Welch to Visit the Virginias Today

Bobby Welch, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention and pastor of First Baptist Church of Daytona Beach Florida, became the center of media attention as he left on his yearlong tour across the nation, Sunday, August 29, 2004. Welch’s tour, entitled, “The Everyone Can Kingdom Challenge for Evangelism,” calls on the 8 million Southern Baptists to evangelize and baptize 1 million new members this year.

“This is the initiative that I’m encouraging our convention to take advantage of, to have one million baptisms in one year,” said Welch. “That has a lot of involvement attached to it.”

Today, the “Everyone Can” bus will visit Good Shepherd Southern Baptist Church in Scott Depot, W.Va., at 8 a.m., one at the International Mission Board in Richmond, Va., at 5:30 p.m. and one at Staples Mill Road Baptist Church in Richmond at 7 p.m.