In a recent decision, the SIM (Serving-In-Missions) organization chose former United Kingdom and Northern European SIM Director Malcolm McGregor to lead international operations. McGregor, born and raised in Scotland, has played a major part in world missions.
Working closely with his wife Liz, McGregor has been instrumental in rebuilding the organization’s leadership team to better serve the Christian community. Introducing new administrative strategies and procedures, McGregor developed a new training program designed to open the door for youths aspiring for the life of mission.
The McGregors first came in contact with SIM while serving the Lord in Nigeria. After quickly befriending the SIM staff, the McGregors became closely associated with the SIM organization. In 1984 to 1986, the McGregors did missions as SIM missionaries.
As the new International Director, McGregor has expressed hopes in being able to continue SIM’s long tradition in church and mission planting to reach many lost souls all over the world. The dedication service to welcome SIM’s new international director will be scheduled for June 13 of this year.