Singapore-Based Music Ministry Celebrates Success in China Region

A Singapore-based music ministry celebrates its success in serving China region over the last year, recounting the mission trips to various locations.

A Singapore-based music ministry celebrates its success in serving China region over the last year, recounting the mission trips to various locations.

Sowers Music has released its annual report for 2005 recently. The approximately two-year-old ministry has recorded the first album with the Chinese name "Above All" last year. The album has gathered over 20 musicians from over 5 countries. It is currently sold in Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Australia, New Zealand, U.S. and Canada.

Sowers Music went on a mission trip to Kunming, China with Singapore Fairfield Methodist Church. Without proper sound equipment, singing and dancing along the guitar have attracted people from all walks of life in the villages.

"Since the very beginning when I started to serve with music on the platform, God has placed ethnic minorities, villages and small churches in my heart. So in these years, I have been going to small churches and small villages because many people don’t want to come to these places," stated Chan, founder and director of Sowers Music.

As it is not allowed to preach the Gospel in China, Sowers Music tried its best to let people know its "belief" through daily lives and thus created a good opportunity to share Christian testimony, according to the report. Acknowledged the financial need of students in the village, Sowers Music also planned how to support them in collaboration with ministers from Fairfield Methodist Church so that the students can continue to receive education.

In October, Sowers Music went to Macau, where the number of Christians is very small. The local churches have organized a musical meeting and there were about 200 people attending the event. 12 people turned to Christ at the end of the meeting. Chan has also conducted workshops to the local musicians and the feedback were both positive and encouraging, according to the 2005 report.

The Hong Kong trip was made by Sowers Music at Christmas. From Christmas Eve to the Christian holiday, Sowers Music team went to a few churches for worship and praise gathering. Over 400 people attended and around 10 became Christians.

According to the report, there are close to 300 salvations and over 400 rededications of lives last year through the witness of Sowers Music. The organization offers thanksgiving and praise to the Lord for the abundant fruit.

Looking forward to a new year, Sowers Music plans to launch two new albums in 2006. While one of the albums will be the sequel of the previous album, but the other will be a collection of praise and worship songs from churches around the region.

In March, Sowers Music will go to New Zealand for "March for Jesus" music festival for 3 weeks. After New Zealand, it will go to Australia for ministry. In June, there will be mission trip in Mongolia and Thailand. Sowers Music is now raising funds to print 500 copies of "Above All" album and the lyric will be translated to Mongolian for the people in Mongolia.