Six Thousand Attend Weeklong 2004 Presbyterian Youth Triennium

More than 6,000 Presbyterian youth across the nation gathered at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., to celebrate the 2004 Presbyterian Youth Triennium, July 19-25. This year, the gathering followed the theme, “No Longer Strangers” – a theme based on Ephesians 2:14-19, and chosen two years ago in the aftermath of September 11.

Throughout the week, youth aged 15-19 attended small group Bible studies, attended on-campus concerts, meditated in a prayer Labyrinth and met with other Presbyterians across the nation. As part of the services, the youth invited “global partners” to speak about life in foreign countries.

"I really liked listening to the global partners. It was really interesting to see how our cultures differ and how they perceive our country," said Triennium participant Abby Olcese. "We learned about how to be peacemakers in our relationships with other people and the importance of peace between nations."

"I learned how to respect other peoples' point of view, even if their opinions were different from mine. I've also learned the importance of meditation. We did lots of guided meditations during the small group studies, and it really had a positive effect on my relationship with God," Olcese said.

The triennium, sponsored by the Presbyterian Church (USA), has been held every three years at the campus of Purdue University for the past 21 years. The first Triennium, in 1980, was held in Bloomington at Indiana University. For more information about the 2004 Triennium, please visit: