Sixth National Consultation on Cooperative Projects to Be Held in St. Louis

The United Methodist Church announced the location for sixth National Consultation on Cooperative Projects, Ministries and Parishes, March 13. The Consultation, entitled, “Pathways with Promise” is confirmed to be held Nov. 13-16 in St. Louis. It will occur in conjunction with the Rural Chaplains Association meeting Nov 13-18.

Held every four years, the consultation is designed to assist ministers who are exploring or working in cooperative arrangements, both in rural and urban settings.

Participants will choose from 40 workshops and seminars on cooperative ministries. Topics include handling transitions, evaluating community assets, dealing with legal issues, using interns, writing a covenant, doing faith-based initiatives, building multicultural cooperatives, increasing community-organizing skills, doing spiritual formation, worshiping together, and understanding the life cycles of cooperative parish ministries.

Featured speakers to lead the event are Bishop William Morris of the Nashville (Tenn.) Area on "Why Work Cooperatively?"; Bishop Sharon Brown Christopher, president of the United Methodist Council of Bishops, who will issue a challenge to do cooperative ministry; and Michael Kinnamon, faculty member at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, who will tell "Why Cooperation Matters Locally."

The consultation also offers a special track for leaders beyond the local church. Other tracks or pathways will feature ecumenical cooperation, leadership development, financial management, connectional issues, specific skills and models of cooperative ventures.

By Pauline J.