Southern Baptist Relief Shifts Focus to the Caribbean Islands

Southern Baptist hurricane relief to the gulf-shore states has been coming to a close with several feeding and shelter units already heading back to their inland homes. However, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC)’s efforts in the Caribbean islands has just begun.

“Southern Baptists are reaching out to Caribbean islanders in the aftermath of four hurricanes that ravaged the region in August and September,” the SBC’s newsletter said on Oct. 12.

According to spokesmen from the SBC’s International Mission Board (IMB), “Food, plastic sheeting, roofing supplies and water purifiers have been delivered, and volunteers will help with clean-up, reconstruction and crisis counseling.”

Also, “as in all of its relief efforts,” the IMB said it plans to focus on “projects with long-term benefits that will continue to minister to families long after the "hit and run" assistance provided by other agencies has been forgotten.”

The Caribbean Islands were the hardest hit by the slew of hurricanes this season. On Grenada, about 90 percent of the homes were damaged by Hurricane Ivan, and many islanders are still sleeping in their cars a month after the storm. Furthermore, villagers have taken refuge for weeks in nearby churches that were also damaged by the storm.

To contribute to the much-needed efforts, please write to: General Relief-Caribbean, International Mission Board, P.O. Box 6767, Richmond, Va., 23230-0767.