Stephen Tong to Hold International Christmas Gospel Rally in Asia

The world-renowned Chinese evangelist Rev Stephen Tong will soon begin a series of International Christmas Gospel Rally 2005 in Asia. On Sunday, Dec. 11, the first Gospel Rally will take place at Sing

The world-renowned Chinese evangelist Rev Stephen Tong will soon begin a series of International Christmas Gospel Rally 2005 in Asia.

On Sunday, Dec. 11, the first Gospel Rally will take place at Singapore Polytechnic Convention Centre in Singapore. Rev Stephen Tong will speak on the theme "Between God and Man" to introduce the basic confession of Christian faith, sharing the good news of the birth of Jesus Christ with both believers and non-believers. The sermon will be conducted in Mandarin with Elder Yong Teck Meng translating into English.

For Christians, Christmas commemorates the birth of the son of God on this world more than 2000 years ago. The birth of Jesus Christ symbolizes the love and humility of God, who lowers himself and reveals himself to us through sending his only son to this sinful world, allowing all mankind to know him and receive salvation.

After the Singpore’s Gospel Rally, the other events will be held on four consecutive days at major cities in East and West Malaysia: Penang on Dec. 12; Kuching on Dec. 13; Kuala Lumpur on Dec. 14 and Johor Bahru on Dec. 15.

On Dec. 21, Rev Stephen Tong will head for Taipei to conclude the International Christmas Gospel Rally 2005. The event will be staged at the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall at downtown.

All the events will be hosted by the Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International (STEMI) founded by Rev Stephen Tong. Tong is also the founder of the Reformed Institute for Christianity and 21st Century in Washington D.C. His respectful contribution in theology has made him one of the top theologians and evangelists in Asia.

Despite the troubles in health for the 65-year-old evangelist, Tong travels across the world from Asia to America to preach the word of God.