Stream of Praise Event Held January 14, 2005

By Christin Hwang

On January 14, 2005, SOP will be holding a Praise, Worship, and Intercession Night at 7:30 pm. It will be a night “to come together to pray for the city of Los Angeles, worshipping in unity; giving our God a sacrifice of praise.”

The Stream of Praise Music Ministry (SOP) is a group of people passionate about praise & worship for Jesus Christ. They started as a small worship team with the heart to come up with songs written with the Chinese heart in mind because Chinese Christians have been singing translated “western” hymns for years. Now SOP has grown into a multi-functional professional music ministry with a mission to encourage the World with songs and to share the Gospel with others.

The event’s theme is “Together Worshipping in Unity” and it will take place in the Upper Turner Campus Center, located in Azusa Pacific University (901 E Alosta Ave, Azusa, 91702).


Stream of Praise Music Ministries

1458 E. Katella Ave.

Anaheim, CA 92805

(714) 385-1458