Stream of Praise Int'l Leadership & Worship Conference 2005 Comes to the U.S.

The international Chinese Christian music ministry the Stream of Praise is set to host its annual international conference in the United States.

The international Chinese Christian music ministry the Stream of Praise is set to host its annual international conference in the United States.

On Dec. 30- Jan. 1, the International Leadership & Worship Conference will be held at Costa Mesa Hilton Hotel, California, with the theme "GLOW." Not only it means "bright and shining" in English, but also can it be interpreted as "God Leads Our Way."

As music ministries play an important role in evangelism among the young generation, the Stream of Praise believes that through praise and prayer in the Conference, God will prepare a new generation of leaders who hunger and thirst for a mighty move of God.

During the three-day Conference, participants will be devoted to worship and bible studies every morning. Rev. Charlie Robinson, a minister with Fresh Fire Ministries and a close coworker of Todd Bentley, is invited as the lecturer. Dr. Jedidiah Tham, who is the founder of Living Lilies and upholds the pure and pragmatic presentation of biblical truths, will be speaking on the Sunday service.

On the other hand, the Conference aims to equip leaders along three major tracks: character of a spiritual leader, worship in spirit and truth, worship leader and team training. Therefore, six different study classes are scheduled in the afternoons.

Each class offers a series of lectures, covering topics related to spiritual foundation as well as technical knowledge on Cinematography, Church Sound, Recording techniques and among others.

Rev Sandy Yu, President of Stream of Praise Music Ministries/Producer; Pastor Dennis Chou, Pastoral care of Stream of Praise Music Ministries and Bezeleel Lau, Professional Producer/Sound Engineer of Dream Works International Dubbing Supervisor will be hosting these classes to share their professional experience with the young leaders.

Rev. Abraham Poon, Senior Pastor of the San Jose Christian Alliance Church (SJCSC) and Lillian Poon, Counselor of Stream of Praise Music Ministries, are the other two speakers.

Worship nights will be held everyday in the evening and the day will be concluded by a bible study with Dr Tham. On Dec. 31, participants are invited to join the special Countdown Celebration.

Alongside with the GLOW Conference, a Kids GLOW Camp will be held for children aged from 3 to 10. Through interesting drama, worship dance, Bible stories, puppet shows and creative activities, the kids will be guided to understand the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and to allow them to experience God's love in a completely new way. They will also be able to attend some music lessons every evening.

All meetings are conducted in both Mandarin and English. For registration, please visit the website

Stream of Praise Ministry is founded in 1993 when it started leading Christian worship in Los Angeles areas. Three years later, it published the first praise and worship album entitled "Let Praise Arise" and went on the first Taiwan Tour. Since then, it has been growing internationally and become a very popular Chinese Christian music ministry.

In 2005, it has staged a total of 13 mission tours in the U.S., Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, bringing the Gospel music to thousands of Chinese Christians. The following stations in 2006 will be Australia and New Zealand.