Taiwanese Churches Help Build Million-Man-Chain for Peace

A coalition of religious, humanitarian and political groups in Taiwan agreed to form a “million people human chain” to surround the island in support of peaceful reconciliation with China, Feb. 18, 2004.

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan has pledged 5,000 of its members to fill up 3.5 kilometers of the chain that will join together on Feb. 28. Several other church groups both nationally and locally have pledged to fill portions of the chain near to their designated homes.

Feb. 28 was chosen as the day to promote peace because it commemorates a series of atrocities suffered by the Taiwanese people from police and military forces of the Chinese communist government that annexed the nation following the Second World War.

Organizers hope that through this peaceful demonstration, dubbed, “Press for Democracy, Oppose Forceful Assimilation,” the 500 ballistic missiles that are said to be poised in China, may be dismantled and reversed for peace.