"Accept Lord Jesus as your constant companion and watch your life change," exhorts Mount Carmel School Founder-Principal in YMCA Prayer Breakfast.
New Delhi, April 17 - Dr. Vijay Williams is no ordinary man. The founder-principal of Mount Carmel Schools, who was invited as the guest speaker for the Prayer Breakfast at YMCA, New Delhi, had struggled and suffered a lot as a child and found succor only in the Word of God and by accepting Lord Jesus as his Savior.
Subjected to a harsh and a traumatic childhood and the holocaust of the two wars in 1965 and 1971 when he served in the Indian Air Force, Dr. Williams first experienced the great love and mercy of the Lord when he was suffering from pneumonia at the age of 14 and was miraculously saved. "But my first introduction to the Bible was at the age of 9 when I listened to John 3:16 – ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’" confessed Dr. Williams to the rapt audience. "This verse gave me the comfort that I needed and made me realize that God is a loving and merciful God. It brought hope and love into my loveless life."
"But my first tryst with the Lord was in 1976 when I surrendered myself completely before Him and begged Him to forgive my sins," Dr. Williams said. Recollecting the story of Bartimaeus in the Bible, Dr. Williams continued, "Had Bartimaeus not grabbed the opportunity to seek the Lord and ask for His mercy, he would have remained blind forever. Likewise we should not hesitate to seek out the Lord and cry out to Him to forgive our sins so that we too may be saved."
Dr. Williams shared that he understood the true meaning of redemption when he first read 1 Peter 2:24 - ‘He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed’. And ever since, he has been testifying the great love of the Lord and distributing tracts of the Bible to those who have been seeking Him.
"For every sin of yours, He has paid for it with His body," Dr. Williams concluded. "I invite you all to accept Lord Jesus as your one and only constant companion and watch Him change your life."