The Call to Worship Event

Vineyard Music is arranging various “Call to Worship” events in regions across the United States during the upcoming months. Teams of experienced worship leaders will lead these weekend-long worship and training events. “The Call to Worship” teams will target the understanding of the heart and values of worship, Biblical foundations of worship, worship team dynamics, sound reinforcement, and songwriting. This event is free, however, offerings are taken at the site. For more information, visit the official Vineyard music site:

November 15, 2002 : Wichita, KansasNovember 16, 2002 : Kansas City, MissouriNovember 17, 2002 : Overland Park (Kansas City), KansasNovember 22, 2002 : Columbia, MissouriNovember 22, 2002 : Birmingham, AlabamaNovember 23, 2002 : Atlanta, GeorgiaNovember 23, 2002 : Hutchinson, KansasNovember 24, 2002 : Nashville, TennesseeNovember 25, 2002 : Knoxville, Tennessee

By Pauline J.