Pastor and author R.C. Sproul is "critically ill" and "being supported by the ventilator" in the hospital, Ligonier Ministries has revealed.
"There is not much change in Dr. Sproul's overall condition," the ministry revealed in an update December 12. "He is critically ill and his breathing is being supported by the ventilator. Though there is no fever, the medical team continues to work to reduce the ventilator support in an effort to have his lungs resume their proper function. This is an hour-by-hour situation with many techniques being used to adjust sedation levels and improve respiratory function."
The update concluded: "We are waiting on the Lord and asking you to continue in prayer for Dr. Sproul and his family."
The ministry first revealed the 78-year-old "The Holiness of God" author had been hospitalized on December 3 after experiencing "respirality difficulties."
"The doctors believe this is not pneumonia, but an exacerbation of his emphysema due to the flu so he has been put on a ventilator to help his breathing," the update explained. "He is in guarded condition at the intensive care unit and receiving expert care and attention."
A week later, it was revealed that Dr. Sproul "is not improving as we had hoped and so these next few days are critical."
"He has a fever today due to the infection he has been fighting. Moreover, he is not decreasing in his reliance on the ventilator to support his breathing," the ministry said.
On Twitter, Al Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, urged prayers for the ailing theologian.
"I know so many are praying for Dr. R. C. Sproul. I appreciate the updates from @Ligonier. Please help pass the word for other brothers and sisters to pray," he tweeted.
Ligonier Ministries is a Reformed international Christian organization headquartered in the greater Orlando, Florida area founded by Dr. Sproul outside of Pittsburgh in 1971.
"From the beginning, we've sought to help Christians know what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it. Over the decades, our commitment has not changed," Dr. Sproul once said of his ministry.
Sproul also oversees a regular radio broadcast called Renewing Your Mind. His latest radio broadcast was posted online Wednesday morning, its topic being titled "The Final Judgement."
To follow updates on Sproul's health, you can go to Ligonier Ministries website or follow their Facebook or Twitter.
Dr. R.C. Sproul Dies at 78: John Piper, Russell Moore Reflect on Life, Ministry of Famed Theologian