Thirsty Conference Held by Passion for Ministry Leaders

A conference “designed uniquely for church/campus ministry staff and key student leaders,” Thirsty aims to re-spark the passion and fire in the lives of those who lead and guide others. Participants will be deeply reminded of the essential thing in life…which is the Truth in God.

At this gathering held by Passion, many students are able to connect in worship and prayer and share the experience of awakening for campuses all over the world. Passion always believes in the power of one soul saving many out there in the world. When one soul turns back towards God; that is when true revival occurs.

Becoming dry in faith is dangerous to one’s spiritual walk as well as to the ones who follow. Being the ones to overcome this through rediscovering the beauty and power of God’s love can lead to greater ministries on campuses all over the world. For all the campus leaders who are thirsty for the power of God, come to this conference in Georgia, which takes place from March 31-April 2, 2004. Bring with you an open heart and it will surely be a reviving experience.

“Pre-registration ends March 29 for online and fax registrations. Mail-in registrations must be postmarked by March 19.”

For more detailed information, please take a look at official site