Thomas Wang Urges Canadian Churches to Stand Firm on Spiritual Truth

VANCOUVER- Amid the erosion of moral and family values, the Chinese evangelical Rev Thomas Wang urges Canadian churches to fight with the truth of the Bible.

VANCOUVER- Amid the erosion of moral and family values, the Chinese evangelical Rev Thomas Wang urges Canadian churches to fight with the truth of the Bible.

At the Vancouver Chinese Christian Short-Term Mission Training Center, Rev Thomas Wang spoke on two occasions- one was the Dispatch Ceremony on 7. Jan and the other was the pastoral conference of Canadian Chinese church leaders on 9. Jan- focusing on the serious destruction brought by same-sex marriage to the society. He then urged Christians to stand firm in the Word of God in face of the crisis.

Wang shared his concern that the western countries are now in severe spiritual battle as they are moving further away from God. On the cover of a magazine he read last week, a story of a European man with two wives was featured. Three of them have already registered at the government for their legal partnership, now they are even trying to make their "marriage" be recognized legally. Wang warned that the moral chaos will be worsening.

"We are in the midst of a spiritual battle that involves every single one of us. More importantly, the battle does have an impact on the second and third generation," Wang said. "Many parents shared that they can share many things with their children, but not the issue of homosexuality because very often the discussion will end up in argument."

As the world becomes more and more opened to the wrong concept of homosexuality, Wang warned of the most fearful thing for Christians, which is assimilation.

"We should not be assimilated by the Western culture; the Bible is our standard as it will never change," Wang exhorted as speaking to the Chinese Christians and church leaders in Canada.

There is a lack of prophetic vision among the churches in this era, Wang lamented. A prophetic vision means "to see what others could not see, to speak of the unknown," according to Wang.

While many churches have tried to avoid speaking about something offensive to believers in order to maintain a good relationship with the world, Wang commented that these churches do not have the fear of offending God. He further demanded churches to have a prophetic vision to see the coming crisis that others have not realized and to speak boldly without reservation.

Despite Wang's strong condemnation against homosexuality, Wang asked Christians to love the homosexuals because no one is perfect, including Christians.

"In resembling the image of Jesus Christ, Christians are to love their neighbors as they love themselves, whether if the sinners have repented or not," Wang explained the teaching of the Gospel.

[Editor's Note: Coral U contributed reporting from Vancouver for this article.]