Thrivent Financial for Luthernas Pledges $100,000 to Students in Service to America Initiative

APPLETON, Wis. -- In late August, President George W.

Bush asked students, schools, after-school programs and community

organizations to begin or continue yearlong service-learning and

community service projects to expand the teaching of service learning,

as well as honor the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

In collaboration with the United States Department of Education and the

Corporation for National and Community Service, and with assistance from

the USA Freedom Corps, the Points of Light Foundation heeded the

president's call and created the Students in Service to America


After learning about the initiative, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

pledged $100,000 to the cause.

We're pleased to support Students in Service to America. The initiative

fits well with our mission statement, provides an opportunity to

interest young people in volunteering and our new chapter structure, and

demonstrates our commitment to the Lutheran community," said Fred Ohlde,

senior vice president of Thrivent Financial's Fraternal Operations.

Thrivent Financial's sponsorship provides service-learning tool kits

specifically to all Lutheran elementary and high school students.

Through the Students in Service to America initiative, service-learning

tool kits -- which include action guides, posters and CD-ROMs -- are

furnished to all K-12 public and private schools, as well as education

associations and volunteer organizations. The 500 regional offices of

the Points of Light Volunteer Center National Network will assist school

officials, students and community leaders in creating school based

volunteer programs.

"There's no doubt that this initiative will fit well with our new

chapter system -- we will have nearly 1,400 chapters nationwide

beginning in 2003" Ohlde said. "We hope to introduce the joy of

volunteering to a new generation through this initiative.

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the National Fraternal Congress of America,

Knights of Columbus, the AT&T Foundation and Clear Channel Worldwide

also are sponsors of the initiative.

For more information about the initiative, visit or call (202) 729-8000, ext. 8113.

The Points of Light Foundation & Volunteer Center National Network

engages and mobilizes millions of volunteers who are helping to solve

serious social problems in thousands of communities. Through a variety

of programs and services, the Foundation encourages people from all

walks of life -- corporations, faith-based organizations, low-income

communities, families, youth, and older adults -- to volunteer.

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is the new organization formed from the

Jan. 1, 2002, merger of Aid Association for Lutherans and Lutheran

Brotherhood. Nearly 3 million members nationwide trust this Fortune 500

organization to help them achieve their financial goals. Thrivent

Financial, a financial services organization with $56.1 billion in

assets under management, offers a wide range of competitive products and

high-quality service, while enabling its members to give back to their

congregations, neighbors and communities.

By Jennifer K. London