"Tomorrow Clubs" needed today in Ukraine

With a goal of establishing Bible clubs throughout Ukraine, Hope International has set up its 500 Club Program.

Hope International's President Brian Marty says reaching young people is key to the future of the church in Ukraine. "Statistics show that if you don't reach a child before the age of 18 the chances of them coming to Christ are just much less. Not only that, that generation is the future of that country and we have a chance to make a positive change not only in an individual's life, but in their families, their communities and the whole country," stated Marty.

For this reason, Hope International started "Tomorrow Clubs", weekly Bible clubs that attract kids through athletics, English as a second language classes, hobbies or other activities. But, Marty says people are needed to establish more clubs. "We're providing an opportunity for people to sponsor a whole "Tomorrow Club". We call this the 500 Club because we have a goal of having 500 "Tomorrow Clubs" within the next five years."

Marty says, "What we see there is just an incredible spiritual hunger, just an openness, that you just don't see in too many places."