UMC Opens Quadrennial Conference

The conference will determine the future direction, voice and policies of the denomination

Some 1,000 international delegates to the United Methodist Church have gathered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to begin the quadrennial General Conference on April 27. The two-week event will determine the future policies and mandates of the denomination.

Prior to the event, the UMC performed a survey on what issues the delegates found to be most important. The majority believed homosexuality and the issue of ordination standards would be the largest topic. Runners up included expanding missions and funding to the denomination.

During the first week of the conference, the delegates will vote on what resolutions and changes to the Book of Disciplines should come to the floor to be considered. The second week of the conference is where the Book of Disciplines may actually be altered.

The following is the schedule for the Conference on April 27, as released by the UMC.

8:30 -10:00 a.m. General Orientation for all delegates (Hall A)

10:30 a.m. Opening Worship and Holy Communion

2:00 p.m. Episcopal Address

3:00 p.m. Organization of the Conference

Report from Committee on Plan of Organization and Rules of Order

Report from Commission on the General Conference

Recognition of Delegates, Affiliated Autonomous and Concordat

4:45 p.m. Organization of Legislative Committee

Election of Officers

Dinner and training for Legislative Committee Chairs and ViceChairs

5:30-7:30 p.m. Dinner and training for Legislative CommitteeSecretaries, Assistant Secretaries, and Recorders

7:30 -10:00 p.m. Legislative committees