United Methodists Pray for Peace

September 11th is a time for sober reflection on the meaning of life, on human aspirations, and on the power of sin and selfishness. It is a time for ardent prayer for God’s guidance as we struggle f

Marking the third anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks, the top staff executive of the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries spoke words of reflection, comfort and encouragement to those affected by the terrorist attacks as well as those victimized by the ongoing violence around the world.

"Sept. 11th is a date of infamy that reminds the whole world of the horrors and pains of violence," said the Rev. R. Randy Day. "This year, images of terrorism in Russia join those from New York and Washington, D.C., in 2001, while conflict in the Middle East, especially Iraq, continues to darken the horizon.

"September 11th is a time for sober reflection on the meaning of life, on human aspirations, and on the power of sin and selfishness," he continued. "It is a time for ardent prayer for God’s guidance as we struggle for peace on a planet of national, ethnic, and religious diversity."

"Peace with justice is a major goal of Christian mission," Day said. "On this September 11, 2004, I urge all United Methodists to join with their neighbors in commemorations celebrating hope and prayers that point toward a kinder, more merciful world.

"May God grant to all people the determination to dwell together in mutual respect and nonviolence."