WCC Kobia to Meet Leaders of Anti-Torture Christian Group

As part of the celebration of its 30th anniversary, the International Federation of Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture (FIACAT) will meet with the general secretary of the World Council of Churches on June 11, 2004. The meeting, which will take place at the WCC headquarters in Geneva, will allow both groups to “share information and explore the possibilities for joint statements and future joint ventures.”

The FIACAT campaigns have helped people who were tortured, detained in inhuman conditions and sentenced to death in some 30 countries across four continents regain their universal human rights.

Most recently, the FIACAT members have called on the US and British governments "to fully investigate all allegations of torture and inhuman and degrading treatment in all places of detention" under their responsibility in Iraq, and the US government to do the same in other places under its authority, including Afghanistan and Guantnamo Bay.

In addition to the meeting with WCC’s Samuel Kobia, the leaders of FIACAT will be meeting with Roman Catholic leaders in Rome in June and celebrate an ecumenical gathering at Notre Dame cathedral.